Friday, 19 September 2014


3. Perspective:  “Some people complain consistently about their lives; I am grateful that I have experiences that build my character and give it strength.” ― Maria Sheridan

Yes Perspective, let’s face it, Life really is a Rollercoaster, you can feel out of control and dizzy when you get off of one. On the rollercoaster of life we have our up days and our down days. Sometimes even those of us with the full use of all our faculties, limbs, sight, hearing etc., loose our focus, loose our sense of perception and perspective, maybe we have developed the poor me syndrome, or are feeling sorry for ourselves, have gotten into a rut or our circumstances are just out of synch with the universe either way things have to change in order to live.

Jairek Robbins once said at a Life Lasting Success Seminar “look at your life through the eyes of a Blind person” in that alone we can find perspective.  When you have that desire for gratitude and your thoughts are right and you have that perspective then the word Impossible does not exist it becomes IM-Possible. In My experience I look for solutions, focusing on the problem doesn’t sit right with me so I tend to become resourceful. In my recent experience of being homeless which as I have mentioned was through a relationship breakdown. I was placed into awful circumstances; however, having some perspective on the situation gave me an advantage, to me it was a starting point.

The frightening part as I have mentioned was the fact that the majority of the people in the initial Hostel I stayed in were indeed people who needed support with addictions or how to cope with illness, they were women and indeed men who had come from physically violent relationships, had been abused in some way shape or form. At this point in my life I did not fit those categories at this time I didn’t have to deal with those issues. Yes I’ll say it again I was homeless “In a state of transition”, not homeless “In a state of being”. Do I think that sets me apart, not at all, I believe wholeheartedly that NO ONE human being should have to live the way we were all living. It was disheartening to even the most positive person.

My perspective was I’m alive today and each day for a reason. The people I met that couldn’t or wouldn’t speak out spurred me on to speak out for them and I am happy to do so. Every human being is entitled to some basic rights to living on this planet, there are treaty’s in place to back this up.

The 'invisible' homeless, people who live in emergency accommodation, in shelters, hostels, refuges, in B&Bs or double share with friends and relatives, make up about 10 times the number of people sleeping rough. They are also without a home and in need of help. We believe that homelessness in Ireland can be ended. By an end to homelessness we mean no one will have to sleep rough because of a lack of appropriate services, no one will have to live in emergency accommodation for longer than is an emergency, and no one will become homeless due to a lack of services or inadequate housing provision. - Simon Community

I believe this too. The stats are that ANY ONE OF US ( and I say us because I’m still not out of the woods, I still live pay cheque to pay cheque), Yes anyone of us are one to two pay cheques away from becoming homeless! How’s that for perspective!!!

Isn’t it strange that princes and kings and clowns that caper in Sawdust rings
And ordinary people like you and me are builders of Eternity.
Each is given a bag of tools, a shapeless mass and a book of rules.

And each must make err life is flown, a stumbling block or a stepping stone. – Anon

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